Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Kabeesh

(office owner)

Lawyer at the Supreme and Constitutional Court of Cassation

Former Dean of the Faculty of Law, Cairo University

Professor of Criminal Law in the same college

Counselor Ahmed Ismail

( Office Manager )

Former advisor to the Egyptian judiciary

Major General / Salim Omar Sharif

Lawyer at the High Courts of Appeal and the State Council

Security expert and former assistant interior minister

Mr. Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Taha

( The assistant manager)

Lawyer at the Supreme and Constitutional Court of Cassation and Administrative

He holds a Bachelor of Laws from Cairo University in 1992

Member of the Arab Lawyers Union

Member of the Egyptian Society of International Law

Experience in legal work for more than thirty years

Mr. Amr Salama Abdel Hafeez

Lawyer in the Courts of Appeal and the State Council

He holds a Bachelor of Laws batch of 2008, the degree of enrollment is resumed

He holds a master's degree in law from the Faculty of Law, Cairo University

He holds a Diploma in Private Law, Faculty of Law, Cairo University

Holds a Diploma in Criminal Sciences, Cairo Law, first batch

He holds three certificates of appreciation for the most brilliant student in civil law, with an in-depth diploma in private law, Cairo Law

And he holds a Certificate of Appreciation for the first batch, Diploma in Criminal Sciences, Cairo Law

Mr. Muhammad Shaaban Muhammad Esawi

Attorney at the High Court of Appeal and the Council of State

He holds a Bachelor of Laws from Ain Shams University in 2004

Member of the Arab Lawyers Union

Experience in legal work for more than fifteen years

Mr. Fouad Fathi Fikry

Acceptable lawyer before the courts of first instance

He holds a Bachelor of Laws from Helwan University in 2015

Legal work experience since 2015

Mr. Rushdi Abdul Mohsen Rushdi

Acceptable lawyer before the courts of first instance

He holds a Bachelor of Laws from Cairo University in 2016

Legal work experience since 2016

Mr. Muhammad Ali Suleiman Kabeesh

accounting tasks

He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Zagazig University in 1997

Mrs. Huda Jamal Muhammad

She holds a Bachelor of Laws in English Language, Ain Shams University

Office secretarial

Hassan Mohammed Hassan

Office support work

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